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Artikelnr AMIG1258


32 kr
I lager - Fler än 3 st

Standard frakt  (69 kr inom Sverige)

One of AMMO´s best and most popular classic products is now available in an innovative container that will make the entire process of adding streaking effects to your models a more enjoyable experience with accurate results. The STREAKING range of products must be applied with a brush in vertical lines to be blended, create the effect of streaked dirt and grime. To simplify this universally used technique, AMMO has turned to the innovative presentation utilized for our OILBRUSHERS range: a container with a built-in brush suited to the technique making application much easier and quicker. The new STREAKINGBRUSHER range feature a unique applicator brush with longer bristles which facilitate tracing the long and narrow vertical lines of this particular weathering effect. This new applicator brush will definitely save you valuable modelling time with ease of application and clean up. The unique bottles take up less space on your workbench, and up to 70% less surface area of your workspace when compared to the original presentation of the Streaking line. Save time, space, and effort when applying painting and weathering effects with the new and innovative STREAKING BRUSHER.

Oil paint with fine brush applicator. Läs mer på MIG hemsida http://www.migjimenez.com/en/

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