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lagerPaint Brick Buildings, Ammo MIG

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Artikelnr AMIG6510

Paint Brick Buildings

115 kr
I lager

Standard frakt  (69 kr inom Sverige)

How to Paint Brick Buildings. Colors & Weathering System Solution Book (Multilingual)

SOLUTION BOOK - How to paint brick buildings is a complete 70-page guide that explains step by step how to paint and how to apply the different weathering effects to the main elements shared by most brick structures regardless of setting such brick red tones mortar weathering for different environments damaged structures scratchbuilt structures and much more.

SOLUTION BOOK is a simple and easy to follow guide which allows any modeller to obtain effects and finishes similar to the examples shown in the book. It doesnt matter if you are a beginner that has just recently started to paint your kits or a more advanced and experienced modeller. With this guide you can achieve amazing effects with very little effort by following a few simple steps. The new design style of SOLUTION BOOK allows you to follow each step in a simple and intuitive manner without text by using a simple icon code to guide you through every stage of the process. By following the steps in this guide you will learn how to obtain exceptional results with very little effort.
Reference: AMIG6510

SOLUTION BOOK - How to paint brick buildings will guide you through the entire process of painting and weathering the unique characteristics of brick buildings.

Soft cover book with 70 full colour pages.

Multilingual book in four languages: English Spanish French and German.

Läs mer på MIG hemsida http://www.migjimenez.com/en/

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