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lagerIssue 27: RECYCLED, Ammo MIG

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Artikelnr AMIG4526

Issue 27: RECYCLED

80 kr
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Standard frakt  (69 kr inom Sverige)

Magazine, Soft cover 64 pages in full color.

The Weathering Magazine is the only magazine completely focused on the painting and weathering techniques of scale models and figures created to meet your modelling aspirations.

This issue will bring you step by step articles focused on recycling models: breathing new life into your old and out-of-date models. Perhaps your skills have developed since you finished them or perhaps you want a new challenge with minimum expenditure or assembly. Through the inspiring work done by our collaborators you will learn how to strip & rework your models with examples of successfully recycled and restored models.

Some of these models were first completed 20 years ago with hobbyists who have developed since then. This issue is all about applying your growing knowledge as modellers to old kits and getting new enjoyment from completed works. Recycling old kits also presents us with a perfect opportunity to try new techniques and methods with a lesser risk. This all takes less effort and expenditure than assembling painting & weathering a new kit from the beginning!

The Weathering Magazine explains all painting and weathering with detailed "step-by-step" articles showing how to perform each technique as illustrated through high-quality images and concise descriptions from some of the worlds best modelers. This eagerly awaited new issue of TWM is sure to be a collectors favourite each page filled with useful techniques and each subject a great source of inspiration for all modelers.

Läs mer på MIG hemsida http://www.migjimenez.com/en/