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lagerIssue 18. ACCESSORIES, Ammo MIG

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Artikelnr AMIG5218


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The 18th issue of The Weathering Aircraft is available now! For those of us who like aircraft, accessories can become a nuisance and end up not being used to their full potential. In this issue you will see how working with accessories can be a rewarding and enjoyable modelling experience that produces amazing results and radically improves the finish of your models. Learning certain techniques will be essential to obtain realistic-looking accessories that are perfectly tied into the aircraft’s overall finish, no matter how small they are. You will learn how to paint all types of accessories ranging from a small helmet to a support vehicle. We will also show advanced detail work used by the world’s best modelers to bring these elements up to the level of the rest of the model including the use of photo-etched parts, adding wiring, and scratch building accessories. Of course, we also show you specific tips and tricks, as well as products that are extremely useful for working with these elements. As always, TWA brings you the most innovative ideas from some of the world’s best modellers with a focus on showing you how to create exquisitely built and painted models with this collection of simple and easy to use step-by-step articles, each accompanied by precise instructions and high-quality photographs. This extremely comprehensive issue provides you with the opportunity to learn how to assemble, upgrade, even paint and weather your accessories and enjoy the process and amazing results!

Läs mer på MIG hemsida http://www.migjimenez.com/en/

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