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Artikelnr TAM32604


229 kr
I lager

Standard frakt  (69 kr inom Sverige)

1/48 U.S. Howitzer Motor Carriage M8

We are delighted to announce the appearance of the U.S Howitzer Motor Carriage M8 in the 1/48 Military Miniature Series for the first time.

Altough we have released the M8 kit in the 1/35 Military Miniature Series before (Items 35110, 35312), this kit features totally new design based upon the intensive research of the actual vehicle. With the design based upon the M5 light tank chassis the M8 featured an open-top turret and 75mm M3 howitzer.

From September 1942 to early 1944, around 1,800 units were produced. M8s saw action in Italy, Western Europe and the Pacific, and supported U.S. infantry until the end of the war.

About the Model
• This is a 1/48 scale plastic model assembly kit. Length: 92mm, width: 48mm.
• The diminutive form with tall profile is authentically captured in a compact 1/48 scale.
• Features realistic renderings of interior details (such as main gun breech) of turret, plus the howitzer covered by a distinctive sleeve.
• The suspension bogies and hull are succinctly depicted by an ergonomic parts breakdown.
• Assembly type tracks feature one-piece straight sections.
• Includes two marking options to depict the 106th Cavalry Reconnaissance Group, Germany or the 758th Tank Battalion, Italy.
• Metal chassis weights give the model a realistic heavy feel.
• Comes with one full body commander figure.