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lagerJapanese Navy Sub I-400, Tamiya

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Artikelnr TAM25426

Japanese Navy Sub I-400

629 kr

Standard frakt  (69 kr inom Sverige)

Japanese Navy Submarine I-400 (S Edition)

Skala: 1:350

Tamiya is delighted to announce the limited edition re-appearance of 1/350 Japanese Navy Submarine I-400 (Special Edition) (previously sold as Item 89776) with a new product number. It has been fifteen years since we released this model.

See How it was Done!
The I-400 was constructed as a submergible aircraft carrier the like the world had never seen and was able to launch three Seiran aircraft. With an overall length of 122m, width of 12m, and a submerged 6560 ton placement, the size was comparable to a destroyer class warship and was the worlds largest submarine at the time. In addition, it had the ability to circumnavigate the world one and a half times without needing to refuel or restock.

It was possible for the I-400 to make surprise attacks at both the U.S. East Coast and the Allied held Panama Canal. Construction of the I-400 was completed near the end of the WWII in December 1944. It was on its way with the second submarine in its class the I-401 to take on the U.S. Naval base at Ulithi, however like the I-400, however both submarines never had the opportunity to see action due to the ending of the war.

It is said that due to its superior design, the I-400 is the predecessor to modern day strategic nuclear missile submarines.

About the Model

This is a 1/350 plastic assembly model kit of the Japanese Navy Submarine I-400.
Length: 348.5mm. Parts such as the large hangar tube of this huge submarine have all been accurately reproduced in great detail.
Transparent parts are included in the set allowing you to easily see the three hangar stored Seiran aircraft.
For added realism, photo-etched parts are included to depict the crane arm, aft antenna support, Seiran propellers as well as hand rails. A guide sticker sheet for hand rail installation is also included.
The kit also comes with four metal torpedoes. Transparent parts for the Seiran canopy add greater realism to the model.
Forty-eight 1/350 scale figures are included to spice up the model.