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lagerResin Cast Frames - Small, Green stuff

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Artikelnr 46520896ES

Resin Cast Frames - Small

219 kr

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Normalt cirkapris: 240 kr

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Standard frakt  (69 kr inom Sverige)

Resin Cast Frames are designed to facilitate the creation of multiple mold boxes for resins and silicones. Manufactured in a 5mm solid transparent methacrylate material, and features L-shaped sides for added structural integrity. Includes four spring clips, which play a crucial role in securely holding each frame in position. It can be utilized repeatedly, making it an economical alternative to continually buying or constructing separate mold boxes. They can be configured in various ways to create molds with diverse dimensions and shapes without the need for investing in an array of mold boxes. These molds greatly facilitate the mold box assembly process but do not completely seal the joints, so to prevent any resin from leaking out during the molding process, the usual joint sealing process should be carried out.
Instructions for use
Make sure the area is completely free of imperfections and dirt before starting. Position the frames so that the L-shaped matches the overlap of the next frame.
If using a release agent, note that the resin walls may not be completely smooth.
Place the spring clips on the L-shaped joints to secure the position.
To ensure a tight seal both between the frames and with the base, any remaining gaps should be filled with modeling clay to prevent resins, silicone, or casting compound from running out. Any gaps may cause leaks.
Pour resin evenly over the surface.
After the recommended curing time, first remove the spring clips carefully and then the frames firmly.
4x Methacrylate L-pieces, size 80mm high x 150mm long.
4x Fastening clips