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lagerBurnt Iron 32ml Air, Vallejo

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Artikelnr VA4477721

Burnt Iron 32ml Air

89 kr
I lager - Fler än 5 st

Standard frakt  (69 kr inom Sverige)

Burnt Iron 32ml

Metal Color is the innovative range of metallic colors with a water-based formulation, which uses aluminium pigments in its production. The Metal Color range offers a wide range of shades in order to imitate the metallic finish of aircraft of all types and eras. Of exceptional brightness and extraordinary power of reflection, it allows the modeler to carry out the full range of painting techniques without the need to resort to enamels and lacquers. It can be applied directly to the model using an airbrush or diluted with our Airbrush Thinner or Flow Improver. Metal Color dries very quickly, maintaining the smallest details present on the model and forming a homogeneous and self-leveling layer of extraordinary resistance a few hours after application. Metal Color can be tinted directly in the airbrush cup using colors from the Model Air or Game Air ranges. It can also be applied with a brush. Recommended compressor settings for our colors are around 15-20 Psi or 0.5-1 kg. It is advisable, in the case of airframes and aircraft model components, to apply Gloss Black Primer, available in 60 ml/2.02 fl oz bottles (ref. 73.660) and 200 ml/6.76 fl oz (ref. 74.660) with hinge cap and dropper, to enhance the special characteristics of the aluminium shades. Metal Color dries very quickly, but it is advisable to wait 12 hours after application before applying any paint masks. Also available is Gloss Metal Varnish in 60 ml/2.02 fl oz bottles (ref. 26.657) with hinged cap and dropper. For proper maintenance of the airbrush, we recommend using Vallejo Airbrush Cleaner.

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